Meetings und Symposien
SAOA Spring Meeting 2025, Lugano, 05.04.2025
We are pleased to invite you to the Spring Meeting in Lugano!
SAOA Autumn Meeting 2024 at the SwissAnaesthesia, Interlaken, 7.11.2024
The detailed program can be found on page 21 of the program of the SwissAnaesthesia 2024.
We are looking forward to welcome you at the SAOA Satellite Meeting!
SAVE THE DATE: Celebrating the 33rd birthday of the SAOA: 16th March 2024 in Basel
We are looking forward to celebrating SAOS's 33rd birthday with you with an exciting programme!
SAOA Autumn Meeting 2023 at the SwissAnaesthesia, Beaulieu Lausanne, 2.11.2023
The detailed program can be found on page 22 of the program of the SwissAnaesthesia 2023.
We are looking forward to welcome you at the SAOA Satellite Meeting!
SAOA Spring Meeting 2023, Lucerne, 01.04.2023
SAOA Autumn Meeting 2022 at the Swiss Anaesthesia, Interlaken, 03.11.2022
The detailed program can be found on page 22 of the program of the SwissAnaesthesia 2022.
We look forward to welcome you at the congress!
SAOA Spring Meeting 07.05.2022
SAOA Autumn Meeting 2021 at the Swiss Anaesthesia Meeting
The detailed program can be found on page 22 of the program of the Swiss Anaesthesia meeting 2021.
SAOA Autumn Meeting 2020 at the virtually SwissAnaesthesia -Cancelled!
We will keep you updated - as soon as we have a next meeting, we will let you know! Stay healthy!
SAOA Spring Meeting 2020
Because of the COVID-19 epidemic we decided to cancel the spring meeting. The meeting is postponed at a later date. We will inform you as soon as possible.
Schweizerischer Perinatalkongress, Baden, 03.09.2020
The detailed program can be found on page 23 of the program of the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress 2019.
The meeting was very successfull, thanks to all speakers!
Presentations are downloadable from the Fortbildungen page.
SAOA Spring Meeting 2019, Neuchâtel, 16.03.2019
SAOA Satellite Symposium 2018 at the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress, Interlaken 08.11.2018
The detailed program can be found on page 22 of the program of the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress 2018.
Presentations are downloadable from the Fortbildungen page.
SAOA Spring Meeting 2018, Lugano, 10.03.2018
The SAOA spring meeting was very successful thanks to the organisers Cari Platis and Gabriele Casso.
You might download the the presentations traditionally from the Fortbildungen page.
SAOA Satellite Symposium 2017 at the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress, Interlaken, 09.11.2017
The detailed program can be found on page 21 of the program of the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress 2017.
Rejuvenation of the Committee has taken place at the annual GA, welcome!
SAOA Satellite Symposium 2016 at the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress, Basel, 03.11.2016
The detailed program can be found on page 21 of the program of the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress 2016.
SAOA Spring Meeting 2016
"Coagulation in obstetric anaesthesia"
Kantonsspital Olten / SO, Baslerstrasse 150
Saturday, March 12.2016, 09.00-13.20 is over, many thanks to Dr. Italo Castelli and the KSO Crew
Final program was moved to the "Fortbildungen" page as well
Presentations of the meeting have been already uploaded
SAOA Satellite Symposium 2015 at the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress 2015
The detailed program can be found on page 21 of the program of the SGAR/SSAR Annual Congress 2015.
Olma Fair St. Gallen
Thursday, November 12.
was successfully completed, the presentations are partly published (remaining will follow in few weeks, hopefully). The Committee was re-elected in its present composition for the following two years.
SAOA Spring Meeting 2015
"Complications and Challenges in daily obstetric anesthesia practice: how much damage can be done?"
Saturday, March 7 2015, See-Spital KIlchberg ZH, Doris Hofstetter, Honorary Member of the SAOA
Many thanks for your participation, the PDF's of the presentations are already uploaded under "Fortbildungen"